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Did You Hear?

Brambleberry recently announced the names of the fragrances we tested for the summer SOAP Panel! As you may recall, I tested the eight mystery fragrances in cold-processed soap: Then I made a set of lotions to give away to one […]

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SOAP Panel Fragrance Poll

I’ve been working on more testing of the SOAP Panel fragrances this week – this time in lotion. Rather than just give my own opinion, I decided to get my customers involved as well – and they loved it! I […]

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SOAPing with a Friend

My friend Summer came to visit me over the weekend. We first met in 2005 when she was living in Olathe, and she came to my booth at the farmer’s market to buy soap. It wasn’t long after we decided […]

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It’s SOAP Panel time again!

I was chosen to be part of Brambleberry’s SOAP Panel which means I get to test eight different fragrances for their summer/fall line along with six other soapmakers. We can pick the medium of our choice – cold processed soap, […]

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SOAP Panel Results

Last week I received a fun package in the mail from Brambleberry. I was chosen to test some new fragrances in the medium of my choice – all nine of them! I made cold-processed soap, and also tested them in […]

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