SOAP Panel Fragrance Poll

I’ve been working on more testing of the SOAP Panel fragrances this week – this time in lotion. Rather than just give my own opinion, I decided to get my customers involved as well – and they loved it!

I made up two sets of lotions with each of the eight fragrances. Then I sent out an email to my local customers and told them about the eight mystery fragrances and asked if they would come to the farmer’s market today to pick their favorite. The incentive, of course, was that they would be entered into a drawing to win the other full set of lotions.

SOAP Panel fragrances - lotion testers

I wish I had a picture of everyone who got lotion on their nose from sniffing the testers! It would have been much more entertaining. However, this is all I’ve got.

Oh, and the results of the poll! I bet you were wondering. Personally, I am having a difficult time choosing just one. My top three in the lotions (because some of the soaps seem to smell different) would be #1 – a nice buttery orange, #3 – the one that smells sort of like tropical fruit, and #8 – the one I think smells like green apple.

Here are my customer’s top picks:
Fragrance #1 – 6 votes
Fragrance #2 – 9 votes
Fragrance #3 – 7 votes
Fragrance #4 – 4 votes
Fragrance #5 – 5 votes
Fragrance #6 – 0 votes
Fragrance #7 – 1 vote
Fragrance #8 – 5 votes

Ironically, I think #2 would be my last choice. Not that I don’t like it, because I really do like all of them! It just isn’t one of my favorites. You know what I mean. One of my customers described it as a lemon verbena, and that’s probably pretty close!

After she helped me count all the votes, I had my daughter pick a winner:

Congratulations to Linda C!!

Thanks to everyone who participated! I thought it was a huge success!

Page with Comments

  1. What a great idea to get your customers involved. The mystery scents sound great.


  2. Hi Amy,

    Great idea to run the contest for the soap panel fragrances. I’m sure your customers and followers had a fun time participating. We’ve also found that contests like this, including to choose that ideal name for a new, different-type of soap, or to solicit ideas for a fragrance, really generates a lot of buzz. Congratulations on your contest and, by the way, we’ve found Lemon Verbena to be quite popular over here in the Pacific Northwest.

  3. Wow Amy, great idea! You’re so right, the more noses that we have sniffing and the more opinions, the better =) I’m glad that your customers enjoyed your contest.

  4. It did seem to work out as a mutually beneficial day – my customers had fun, and in turn – they spent their money! Of course, it didn’t hurt that the weather was absolutely beautiful on Saturday too! 🙂

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