Soap Demo at the Market – Video #2

Yes, I am finally posting the video from the second soap demo that I did at the Olathe Farmer’s Market last Saturday! There are more great questions from the audience members, and the technique I used for the soap ended up a little bit different from anything I had ever made before – just because of the texture of the batter. You’ll see!

Honey Lemon Soap by Great Cakes Soapworks

The Honey Lemon soap should be available at the same time as the Mediterranean Sea Salt soap at – July 21st, which happens to be my older daughter’s birthday!

In the meantime, check out the Last One Left Sale – I have one Oatmeal, Milk & Honey soap that needs a new home! (These will be re-stocked in a different scent.)

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  1. Looks like so much fun! You got a good response too. How did you keep the lye water and the oils at the right temp before pouring? The pink and blue sure looked thin when pouring, but I love how the bars turned out! So nice!!

  2. @Carmen – I just soaped them at “room temp” – made everything the night before. The oils had a few floaties that morning, so I just warmed them a bit in the microwave before I left.

  3. Love the videos and the blog posts. I’m new to soaping and they have been very helpful. Would it be possible for you to share the source of the 2 fragrance oils you used in the video??? I am a big fan of BB, but have not seen these there. Thanks

  4. How cool that you were able to do a soapmaking demo at the market, Amy! Seems like people were very interested in the process, and I like how excited the kids were when you started swirling. Thanks for sharing your in-the-mold swirl technique – the soap turned out gorgeous!

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