Soap Demo at the Market – Video #1

Before the season ever started, I had asked the market manager at the Olathe Farmer’s Market if I could do a soapmaking demo sometime this year. He agreed it would be a great idea, so this past Saturday I had my first opportunity! I prepped my oils and lye solution the night before, and pulled out six different fragrances for people to vote for the one I should make into soap. There were some excellent questions from the audience, and I was able to get a few people to help me in the process. So much fun!

I decided to do two batches while I was there, so this is the video from the first soap demo:

Mediterranean Sea Salt Soap by Great Cakes Soapworks

The Mediterranean Sea Salt soap will be ready July 21st. (This is not a salt bar – just a regular soap, scented with the Mediterranean Sea Salt fragrance.)

I’ll be sure to post the video from the second soap in a few days as well. Please let me know how you liked my demo, and if you have any tips for me, as I’m hoping to do it again!

Page with Comments

  1. Nice job Amy. You did get some great questions and lots of interest. Looking forward to the next video.

  2. Okay, but where are the goats? *chuckling at that question* You did a great job with this Amy and you may have started two young ladys (and a few others) in soap making!

  3. Nice job, Amy. I was really nervous when you asked the girls to help you, but everything turned out fine. Whew! Did it really take just 13 minutes? I liked how you prepped everything beforehand. What a timesaver.

  4. Great idea to do a demo for the folks at the market! I love how well prepared you were. Not having to look for something, saves so much time and the audience never has a dull moment. Terrific work Amy!!

  5. This was so fun to watch! I’ve been asked to do a soap class (I’ve been making soap over 10 years) for a ladies group and was a little concerned about doing CP with a group…but I love the way you’ve done it here and I may be able to do something similar with them. Thanks so much for all your generosity in sharing techniques with all the videos. It’s really inpiring and informative. If any of the ladies are interested in trying it themselves, I’ll definitely give them your website in the information they get.

  6. Thanks Amy for sharing your ‘market experience’ with us. I loved the video and hands-on demo with the people. I am a soaping junkie and never tire of watching the magic process of making soap.

  7. Great video. You really had the audience’s attention. A suggestion for next time would be to make a batch ahead of time and then show them how you unmold and cut it. They would be able to see the result of swirling the different colors into the main batch.

  8. @Maria – That thought crossed my mind, but then I ran out of time. Found out on Wednesday that I was doing the demo on Saturday! Next time though… 🙂

  9. I have to mirror Marie comments. I loved watching that and i think its a great idea. I wish i could find a formula that allows me that much time to play with colours. Mine mostly always trace far too quickly and i dont even use fragrance. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Thanks for post your demo! It’s really informative. Just like you started, I’m trying to learn how to make soap via the Internet. Any suggestions? Also, what kind of alcohol do you use on the top of your soaps? I found that interesting and it’s the first reference I found to doing so.

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