Soap Challenge 2013 – Week One

It’s finally time!! Welcome to the first Soap Challenge for 2013!! We have at least 72 official sign-ups from all over the world, including Australia, England, Macedonia, South Africa, and Canada, not to mention all over the US!

For our first challenge, we will be making soap using the tiger stripe method. Simply divide your soap into two different colors and pour a stripe of soap down the center of your mold, alternating colors each time until you have used up all the soap! I’m giving credit to Kenna of Amathia Soapworks for creating this technique. Here is her tutorial:

You can use the traditional tiger colors, or deviate with any other high contrasting colors. I chose to create a black & white soap with one pink stripe:

1. Make sure your fragrance or essential oil is easy to work with! No florals or spices.
2. Color ideas: light and dark version of the same color, colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel, or whatever your heart desires!
3. You can decide how much soap you want to pour with each stripe – less for thinner lines, more for thicker lines.
4. You can pour your soap off-center as well!
5. Have fun with it!

You will have until Saturday to make your soap and document it with photos, blog post, youtube video, or Facebook album. I will be posting the link-up on Saturday, March 30 at 6am CST and you will be able to share your creation with everyone at that time. The link-up will remain open until the following Saturday when the new one opens up.

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  1. Can I still sign up for your soap challenge? Iยดm From Finland and I have been making soap for a year now.

  2. Nicely done, Amy!

    I find when it’s super fluid and looks murky as you stripe, it still turns out fine because of where the bulk of the colored soap ends up in the mold and the further pours compact the stripes out. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I made mine today!

    I’d recommend reviewing Amy’s tips before making yours! For some reason, the FO I used moved fast, even though it was reviewed as no A, so it was thick going into the mold for the pours. Not sure how that’s going to turn out. If I were starting this again, I’d use an FO I’ve used before so I KNOW it’s not a fast mover.

  4. Hi Amy
    Ive only recently discovered your blog so didnt know how to sign up for this challenge but I’d love to join in.
    Lisa in Australia

  5. I’d love to participate. I’ve never done this before, but sounds like fun. I live in Alaska.

  6. Is it too late to sign up? I know there are only a few days left… Is there an official sign up page, or do we just post our stuff on the link-up?

  7. Just finished my batch. Always nice to reinforce how much I have to learn! Started out much like Amy’s demo batch, a bit too thin at first. About 2/3’s of the way through, it was finally there right consistency. Great to learn a new technique, and can’t wait to cut tomorrow.

  8. Pingback: Great Cakes Soapworks Challenge: Tiger Stripe! | Foam on the Range
  9. I absolutely love the yellow and black tiger stripe soap you created! I tried making my own, but the yellow I used (Magic Yellow from The Conservatorie) did not produce the bright yellow yours did. Where did you get the colorant and how much did you use?? Thank You for the idea!!

    Erin R.

  10. @Erin R – Kenna made the traditional orange & black tiger stripe. In her video she said she used tangerine mica and luster brown mica. I usually use 1 tsp per cup of soap when I’m coloring with micas for the brightest color.

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