How to Use Indigo to Color Cold Process Soap

How to Use Indigo to Color Cold Process Soap

If you’ve ever tried to use indigo to color your cold process soap and ended up with a nasty gray – or worse yet, no color at all – this post is for you! I’ve been there too, which is […]

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Guest Post: Even Layering Soap Tutorial

I am so excited to share this tutorial with you from Erin of Inner Earth Soaps, a super talented soapmaker from Sydney, Australia! If you’re anything like me, making even layers in cold-processed soap is a struggle! I’d much rather […]

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Coloring Your Cold Process Soap

If you’ve made the time to experiment and measure out how much color you use each time you make soap, you may know how much color you’ll need to achieve the results you’re looking for. But if you’re somewhat new […]

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Hair Chalk Recipe and Tips

If you subscribe to the Brambleberry newsletter, you should have received a recipe for making hair chalk about three days ago. My nine-year-old daughter has been asking for a blue streak in her hair for quite some time, but I […]

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Magma Soap, Sponsored by Brambleberry!

Ever since Brambleberry sent me one of their 5-lb wooden log molds with a silicone liner after the Soap Challenges, I’ve been looking for a reason to use it! It’s not my usual size mold, but I’ve been so intrigued […]

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Soap Beveling 101

If you are not a soapmaker, you may disregard this post. I had a request for information on how I bevel my soaps. The video is short and sweet, and I’ve already received some excellent feedback from my youtube subscribers. […]

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Goat’s Milk Soap Tutorial Updated

This is just a quick post to let you know that I updated my tutorial on How to Make Goat’s Milk Soap yesterday. I’ve changed my method slightly, plus the photos were all skewed in the original post so I […]

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How to Line a Wooden Soap Mold

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard other soapmakers say they just hate to line their soap mold! I find it pretty relaxing, and thanks to the lesson from my soapmaking friend April McCart, there’s a method I use […]

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How To Make Hot Process Soap in the Microwave

Making soap in the microwave is a great way to make a small batch of hot-process soap. It’s probably not any more dangerous than making hot processed soap with any other method. However, I must make some necessary warnings and […]

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Cleaning Amber Glass Bottles

Since I’ve been absent for almost a week, I figured I better come up with something really good to post about! This will interest soapmakers and others who buy fragrance and essential oils in large quantities. All others can disregard! […]

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