A New Look for Email Subscribers

Being the nerd, tech-y, self-taught computer geek that I am, I was reading Problogger yesterday and came across a very interesting post called “How to Email Your Posts Like a Problogger“. Now I have to admit that many of the posts from this blog are either not applicable to me, require too much work, or they are way over my head. This one caught my eye, however, because I realized that there was something I could change that would give email subscribers a better experience and hopefully help you engage!

As you can see, about half of the people who read my blog are reading it via email (the other “half or so” are using Google Reader):

Feedburner Stats for Great Cakes Soapworks blog
Feedburner Stats for Great Cakes Soapworks blog

Long story short, the reason my posts look different (hopefully better!) for my email subscribers is that I’ve moved all the active email subscriptions from Feedburner into MailChimp. The best part is that you can now click over to the live blog to comment! And oh, how I hope you will! Let me know how you like the new format, please! (You can still reply to the email as well if you prefer.)

And if you haven’t subscribed – either via RSS feed or email, what are you waiting for?

Page with Comments

  1. I like it! In fact yesterday I got your email on the candied currants soap, clicked on the photo and bought a bar! Very easy. Anything to save a step is good.

  2. I love it! I have these big aspirations to make soap as good as Amy Warden. That is a tall order since I’ve yet to make my first batch. So far just getting in a supply of items. Sure appreciate all the help you give on your blog. You are so good to answer questions. Thank you.

  3. Hi Amy,

    I can relate somewhat to the “tech nerd” moniker. I do really get into professional development, however, especially when it comes to marketing, PR, blogging, and social media marketing. PR Blogger is a very informative source for general blog and marketing information.

    How is the transfer from email subscriptions from Feedburner into MailChimp going for you so far? For our business, I still do Direct Email Campaigns–including to send our Blog to folks, manually. I have a system that I’ve worked where I can call up specific names of folks according to the Blog topic, as well as geography. I’ve thought at initial glimpse of MailChimp, while it is a good email delivery system, that it would take me longer honestly to set up specific types of delivery than just doing it myself. We don’t have that many email subscribers…yet! Did you reach a certain point with your email subscribers, as well as followers, that motivated you to begin using MailChimp? How user friendly have you found MailChimp to be? I might take some pointers from you on MailChimp.

    Also, how have you gone about getting folks to subscribe to your Blog via RSS Feed, and how successful has it been? I subscribe to many soap bloggers via RSS Feed using Google Reader and I love it!
    I like how you are always hungry to learn Amy.

    Thanks for sharing this information!

  4. I used MailChimp for my emails to subscribers and I love it. The format and user friendly functions as awesome. Since I am not a “tech” person, this works so well for me. Good luck and I hope you enjoy it!

  5. Ok, so I forgot to turn off the Feedburner emails, so those with subscriptions will actually get a second (identical content) email from MailChimp today only!
    @Milla – Thank you so much for your purchase – it is on its way to you!
    @Rita – So exciting that you are gathering your supplies! Can’t wait to hear about your first batch!
    @Michael – Wow, that sounds like a lot of work! Once you get MailChimp set up, it’s so much more automated. I wouldn’t wait much longer to set something up like that – it’s just going to get more difficult the more folks you add. Besides MailChimp is FREE to send up to 12,000 emails per month, and I’m nowhere near that!
    @Ingrid – So far, I’m loving MailChimp! So many great features!!

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