Setting Up a Google Reader Account

Now I realize that some of my readers are more tech savvy than others. You probably aren’t here to learn about how to set up a Google Reader account. You’re here to read about soap! But let’s say you are a soapmaker and you want to keep up with some soap blogs. Several of my soapmaking friends have expressed that they know how to follow blogs in blogger, but get confused when it comes to following any of the others. Well, Google Reader is the answer! You can subscribe to all of the blogs you wish to follow in one place.

That is, until they closed it down….now you’ll have to use a different service to subscribe to RSS feeds. Do a search for “RSS feed reader” and find one that works for you!

Page with Comments

  1. Welcome to the world of RSS feeds! They are a great way to keep up with your favourite blogs and sites without having to spend time visiting them every day.

    I use FeedDemon. It is a desktop application. Works great! You can sort the feeds into folders.

  2. I LOVE RSS feeds and the whole Google Reader thing. I’ve used it for about 8 months or so and I highly recommend that everyone get a feedreader. It’ll be one of those things that you wonder how you ever lived without.

  3. Love the reader. It’s how I keep up with my many blogs in the summer. Infact I’m reading your blog through my reader right now on my iphone. The reader on the Iphone makes it harder to comment. That’s why you don’t hear from me often but I’m reading;)

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