On the Curing Rack: Cinnamon Apple Peach

Cinnamon Apple Peach Soap by Great Cakes Soapworks

Here it is! Cinnamon Apple Peach soap is cut and curing. I’m loving this scent!! It will replace the Apples & Spice scent that I’ve made for the past six years. Out with the old, in with the new! (Even though it’s really not that much different…) This soap should be available for purchase on Saturday, September 25 at Greatcakessoapworks.com and at the Overland Park Fall Festival.

I’ve been debating whether or not to tell you what my plan was for this soap. It turned out pretty great as it is, but it wasn’t what I was thinking. I was actually going to make three layers, with the top one being a lighter version of the upper two thirds of this soap. My plan was to use Erin’s layering method, but it wasn’t long after I poured out the bottom layer that I knew this plan wasn’t going to fly. The water discount was too steep, and the soap was already setting up. So I added the cocoa powder to the bottom layer as planned and got it in the mold, then spooned the rest over the top. I had some time to texture the top, and then had the splendid idea to sprinkle on some cinnamon at the very end. There are a few tiny holes here and there where I didn’t get all the air bubbles out – but at least this time I know they are air bubbles (since they are dry)!

Not sure if you can make out what’s in the background of this soap photo, but that would be cake decorator tips and bags. I spent about four hours this afternoon decorating the cake for my grandma’s 80th birthday party this weekend. I’m so wiped! I’ll have photos of the cake to show you next week sometime.

Tomorrow I’ll tell you about the Great Cakes Soapworks Labor Day Weekend Sale!

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  1. Wow!So pretty – what a nice job you did.Your layers look fabulous. I have yet to master the Erin technique of layering but, I’m working on it!Lovely job!

    Have a safe and wonderful weekend!

  2. The soap looks great Amy! Loving your stamps. I have trouble with apple/spice scents too, they seem to super-accelerate trace, but boy they smell good so they’re worth the trouble 😉

  3. This sounds great! The stamp is really cute and the smells (flavours? Not sure what to refer to it as!) sound like a great combination! I love reading your blogs, its like an education about one of the things I love!

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