Maiden Voyage

My husband likes to take our girls fishing. Sometimes I go along, but I don’t have my own pole – or really care to. The lakes around here have a few fish in them, but my family hasn’t caught more than two that were big enough to eat. So, my husband decided it would be fun to get a little fishing boat. He found one on Craigslist, and drove about an hour away to pick it up a couple nights ago. It’s so old, it has an original Coca Cola bottle opener inside! Yesterday was spent filling small holes and rivets with epoxy, and spray painting the boat “sea foam green” at my older daughter’s request. After church today, he replaced the seats, sealed any remaining leaks, and declared that it was ready to go.

So this evening, he loaded the boat on top of the ladder racks on his truck, and the girls and I followed him in the van to one of the closest lakes (about 15 minutes from our house).

Here we are in the boat:

Girls in the front

Hubby in the back, plus older daughter who gets to be in both photos.

We also saw some wildlife:


Great Blue Heron

Other than the fact that it was stinkin’ hot and sticky out, it was a pretty fun trip! The only water that came in the boat was around the plug, and it wasn’t much. Success!!!

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  1. How fun! It was a bit hot though. We took our boat out on Saturday but not until 7pm. It’s nice to have a small boat that you can take out for something different to do.

  2. Nice family…creating great memories! Thought the pictures of wildlife were super; seeing ducks and heron in such a beautiful natural setting makes you feel like you are there too!

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