Lotion Fragrance Survey and a Giveaway

Jojoba-Shea Lotion by Great Cakes Soapworks

It’s time to start thinking about which lotion fragrances you would like to see offered at Great Cakes Soapworks! I have been making Jojoba-Shea Lotions for three years now, but my inventory was completely depleted over the holidays, and it’s time to re-stock for this year.

You won’t find many lotions that don’t contain some form of petrolatum on the ingredient label at most retail stores. The Jojoba-Shea Lotion has natural ingredients you can pronounce (if you know that “jojoba” is pronounced “ho-ho-bah”), and a made fresh date on the back of each bottle. It’s a highly moisturizing lotion without feeling greasy, and works well in the winter, or even as a soothing after-sun lotion in the summer because of the high aloe content.

This year I have decided to switch back to the 8 ounce pumps instead of the 6 ounce malibu tubes that you see in the photo, and make the 2.5 oz. malibus that were available at Christmastime available all year.

However, I need your help to decide which fragrances to offer! Therefore, I am opening up a survey for you to choose your top five lotion fragrances. There is also space for you to write in a favorite if you don’t see it on the list. Your completed survey will be your entry in a drawing for one FREE 8 ounce Jojoba-Shea Lotion of your choice from Great Cakes Soapworks. Winner will be announced Monday, March 8th. It’s a pretty simple survey, and it will probably take you longer to read this blog post than to fill out the survey, so without further ado:

Click here to take our Online Survey

(If you are using a Reader, you will need to click over to the post to get to the live link. I don’t know why this is.)

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  1. Have you ever made a lotion using Monoi de Tahiti? I bought some a couple months back and wanted to try it in my lotions soon. Has an interesting smell. I tried a little bit, straight from the bottle, on my face for a few nights to see if I had any reactions and my skin felt great!

  2. T.A. – I have not used Monoi in lotion before, but I’ve used a Monoi lotion that someone else made – it was really nice!! You should definitely try it!

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