The Berry Patch

The girls and I went to “The Berry Patch” this morning to pick blueberries with our friends from church. Only when we got there, we couldn’t find our friends, and I was trying to figure out what I needed to take with me…phone, tissues for my runny-nosed girls, put my keys in my purse. Then looked around and decided that no one else was carrying their purse around, so I put it under the console. Got out of the van…and yes, LOCKED THE DOOR. Fortunately, I have my phone, so I called my dear hubby. And yes, I have done this before. Only one other time. I gave him the VIN number on the van and he went to the Honda dealer to get a key made. Now, we have nothing else to do but go pick blueberries and wait for my hubby to come rescue us. We are a good 20 miles from home, by the way. Fortunately, there was a pretty good cloud cover this morning, so we weren’t terribly hot because our water bottles were also locked in the van. Unfortunately, I didn’t even think to bring a camera, so the only picture I got was the one on my phone.

My girls at The Berry Patch
My girls at The Berry Patch

About the time the girls were finished picking, (I’m tired. This is boring. Can we go home now?) we met up with our friends, and my hubby called to say he was on his way. We had been picking in Patch #11 which was quite a trek from where I parked the van, and pretty well picked over. About the time we got our van unlocked, they opened up Patch #6, directly across from where I parked and there were LOTS of beautiful berries. The girls wanted to stay in the van, so I filled my bucket the rest of the way, and we finally got in line to get our berries weighed and paid for. Ok, so they had two scales and four check-out stations, and we stood in line for 30 minutes! About the time we were getting to the register, I decided to count my cash. $18 and some change. My ticket says I have 8 pounds of blueberries and I owe $22.76 before tax. Uh oh. I left my girls in line and went to find some of our friends to bum some cash. They were ever so gracious. And I will be re-paying them soon!!

The good news is – we have eight pounds of fresh blueberries!! My friend Kelly lives near The Berry Patch, so we stopped by and she gave me a recipe for blueberry popsicles that I plan to try as soon as I get the other two ingredients:

2 c. blueberries
2 c. plain yogurt
2/3 c. powdered sugar

Blend and freeze! She says that the powdered sugar doesn’t crystalize when you freeze it like granulated sugar does.

If blueberries weren’t so expensive, and if I didn’t think they would turn grey and nasty looking, I might consider putting them in some soap!