New Lip Butters!

Vanilla Latte and Root Beer Lip Butters by Great Cakes Soapworks

I am very excited to announce that the Vanilla Latte Lip Butter is finally back in stock! There is also a brand new lip butter flavor joining the group: Root Beer! Yes, it will remind you of the old Root Beer flavored Lip Smackers.

FYI: There are only 5 Watermelon Lip Butters left. These were a limited edition flavor, so when they are gone, they’re gone! Also down to 8 Lavender Lip Butters. These might be re-stocked later, but I don’t have any more of the Bulgarian Lavender essential oil that I made these with, so I’ll either have to use my “soap grade” lavender essential oil, or order more of the expensive stuff!

Other flavors include Coconut Mango, Peppermint, Limeade, Strawberry, and Nourishing (no flavor added). At just $3.00 each, you can afford to get several!

Order Lip Butter Here.