FDA Globalization Act Update

Back in August, I wrote about the FDA Globalization Act of 2008, a piece of legislation that could ruin my business. Basically it is one more way for the government to get overly involved in small business, and make it virtually impossible for the small soap companies to continue to sell soap and other products. I have good news – for now. Anne-Marie Faiola, owner of Brambleberry Soap Making Supplies has been actively involved in trying to stop this legislation. She reports on her blog that in the latest election Representative Dingell, the original proponent of the act, was replaced by Representative Waxman as the Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee (the Committee overseeing the FDA Globalization Act), so the legislation has been tabled for now. Whew!

Can I just say that I am so grateful for the companies and industry groups who are representing the “little guys” like me in Washington!!

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  1. I am really happy that we can all relax, take a deep breath and really enjoy the holidays now. Having that little piece of legislation hanging over everyone’s heads was no fun.

    While it’s not totally confirmed to be done and out for the count, it mostly likely will not be discussed until the New Year (if then at all).

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