Soap Challenge – Week 3 Link-Up
I’ve heard all kinds of feedback about this week’s challenge – some people had a lot of fun, others not so much… I had fun making the cupcake soaps, but I’m still not convinced that I want to make more piped cold process soap! Although they have a really great berry scent, the colors on my cupcakes have morphed quite a bit. This is mostly due to the fragrance oil turning the soap a very lemon yellow color, despite the titanium dioxide that I added to the base color! The pink frosting is now a mauve-rose color, and the cupcakes are just plain yellow. The supplier’s notes said this fragrance would discolor to cream at the most. Hmph.
Here is the one I made with the extra soap in a plastic cup instead of a paper liner. The colors are a bit funky and dark. In fact the frosting reminds me of a cat’s tongue. LOL!

And here are the rest, still in their paper cupcake liners. This is pretty true to the actual color of the soap:

I’m probably not going to be making these for Mother’s Day. I’m already planning a different soap for that!!
So, now’s your chance to share your piped soaps with the rest of us. Tell us how it went – and don’t hold back how you really feel!
Bloggers: Create a post telling us about your soap and show us some photos! What scent did you use? How did you decide what kind of soap you wanted to pipe? Talk about what worked, what didn’t work. Please include a link back to my blog in your post (either the home page, or this post should work nicely!).
Facebook business page photos: Upload your photo(s) into a photo album, and write a descriptive caption on the photo you are linking up to this post – include as much information as you’d like! To link the photo, click on it, then copy and paste the URL into the “blog post URL” blank at the top. In the next step, it will show your photo, and you will need to select it. (If you press the “crop” button instead, you can adjust what the thumbnail of your photo will look like.)
YouTubers: You can create a link to a YouTube video of your soap! There will be a little frog icon instead of a thumbnail photo of the soap, but anyone who clicks on your link will be able to see your video. Starting on your video page, click the “share” button and copy the URL. You can use this URL for the “blog post URL” blank. Then in the next step, ignore all the tiny blue boxes and click the “direct image URL” tab across the top and paste the URL of your youtube video in the blank again and hit the “submit query” button.
Uploading a photo from your computer: If you don’t have a blog or business page on facebook or a youtube video, you can still upload a photo from your computer. Just put n/a in the “blog post URL” blank and go to the next step. It will give you an error message, but it will still work! Just click the tab across the top that says “upload from computer” and you will be able to browse your files and upload a photo. I will remove the dead link ASAP.
If you have questions or problems with the link-up or with your piped soap, please leave a comment. I’m looking forward to seeing your soaps!!
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Cat’s tongues! How funny, I thought the same thing! I actually really like the lemon yellow, though. But I love fluffy yellow cake, and that’s what it reminds me of! Don’t give up on piping! I think you could do fun and beautiful things!
The one you call ugly has a really pretty top. Love, love, love the 6 light pink ones (the tops are to die for, like the rippling effect you did). We made ours last night as it was a busy week so probably won’t reveal until tonight or tomorrow. We wanted a purple and got a darker pink instead and managed to burst all three of hand made piping bags (more on that in my future post 🙂 ). Success at the end.
@Michelle – Oh, I can’t wait to see this!! Happy Easter!!
Great job everyone! Your piped soaps look great! I really wanted to do this challenge since I’ve never piped soap before, but just wasn’t able to fit it into my week. However, I’ll definitely try it sometime in the near future. I am looking forward to the next challenge as I haven’t ever made soap with alcohol.
@Susan – Yay! You will love next week’s challenge! 🙂
I really like the one you called Ugly …great color.
Happy Easter.
@Swanee – Ha ha! Well, there’s hope for it then. Happy Easter to you too! 🙂
That first soap really is funny, and the second photo they look really nice! What a great description for that color pink.
This is so much fun! I think your cupcakes look great Amy! I really like them! Pretty awesome for your first try. Height is definitely the key I think. Sure was a cloudy ol day today so I didn’t get my pics taken. I really wanted the soap to discolor first. So maybe tomorrow!
@Katy I love them! I really want to make more of this piping stuff. My eleven year old daughter really wants to pipe and we decided that this will be her part of the business. We want to focus on birthday parties and showers, or birthday presents! Can you see a candle embedded in the top?
Hi Amy and Challenge Participants. What a wonderful Week 3 Challenge. Took me quite a while to find the link for week 3!
Here are my experiences doing piped soap. It was a challenge for me and I’m still working on my third attempt! I enjoyed watching the videos of talented soapers piping like no tomorrow! LOL mine smell divine!
Here is my blog about it
Hi ladies! I’ve been so inspired by you all that I decided to start my own blog, too! I’d love to meet more of you, and I wanted a way to be able to comment and respond (other than through Photobucket, which is soooo hard to navigate). Here’s a link to my new blog:
I’d love it if you’d stop by and meet me! 🙂
@Amy, Thanks so much for your sweet comments, both to me and to all of us! You are such an encouragement, and I really appreciate how active and involved you are! This is soooo much fun!!!
@Tina, Thanks! I like yours, too! Yummy! I just used that scent in the week 1 challenge, and it’s delicious. You’ll definitely need to include the warning “DO NOT EAT” when you package it! 🙂