Soap Challenge 2013 – Elemental Swirl Link-Up
So, are we loving the soap challenges so far? I hope those of you who participated in the Tiger Stripe challenge took advantage of the free colorant offer from Brambleberry!
And now it is time to show off our beautiful elemental swirls! Here’s my Apple Berry Picnic soap:

Now it’s your turn! Each participant may add ONE link to their creation. Here are the instructions to add your link (I’ve added two new updates since last week – one for YouTube, and one for uploading a photo from your computer to work around some issues):
Bloggers: Create a post about your elemental swirl soap – with photos of course! You can describe how you picked your scent and colors, any problems you may have encountered or advice you might have. Please include a link back to my blog in your post (either the home page, or this post should work nicely!). When you link to your post, be sure it’s the link to the actual post, not just your blog link. Otherwise, when someone clicks on it later, and you’ve made more posts, they won’t be able to find the one you wanted to link with.
Facebook business page photos: Upload your photo(s) into a photo album, and write a descriptive caption on the photo you are linking up to this post, including the scent you used and any other information you care to share. To link the photo, click on it, then copy and paste the URL into the “blog post URL” blank at the top. In the next step, it will show your photo, and you will need to select it. (If you press the “crop” button instead, you can adjust what the thumbnail of your photo will look like.)
YouTubers: You can create a link to a YouTube video of your soap! UPDATE! If you upload a photo of your soap as your YouTube profile photo, it will show up in the link-up! If you don’t have a profile photo, I believe you can still upload a photo from your computer and use your video as the link. Starting on your video page, click the “share” button and copy the URL. You can use this URL for the “blog post URL” blank. If you have a photo in your profile, you should be able to select it. If not, you can either ignore all the tiny blue boxes and click the “direct image URL” tab across the top and paste the URL of your youtube video in the blank again and hit the “submit query” button OR click “upload from computer” and select a photo from your hard drive.
Uploading a photo from your computer: If you don’t have a blog or business page on facebook or a youtube video, you can still upload a photo from your computer. UPDATE: Put YOUR NAME in the “blog post URL” blank and go to the next step. It will give you an error message, but it will still work! Just click the tab across the top that says “upload from computer” and you will be able to browse your files and upload a photo. I will remove the dead link ASAP.
Please note: I will not be available until late Saturday afternoon to comment or help with any issues! I will be anxious to see all your soaps then!!
(This week’s link-up will remain open until next Saturday.)
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Hi Amy – it turned out great! Thanks again for all your work organizing challenges.
I love your purple and red, Amy. I also love all of your challenges. This one was a lot of fun. And I love seeing everyone’s results. Thanks so much for doing this!
These soaps are works of art. Thanks for taking the time to help us, Amy.
I enjoyed this challenge more that I was anticipating. I’m sorry Amy I didn’t exactly follow the suggested technique but I love the idea of elements! Thank you so much!
This was a really, really fun challenge. I am loving looking at all the soaps that people came up with. I can’t access all the pictures so I couldn’t comment on everyone’s soaps, but please know I loved what I could see of them.
Amy, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do these challenges, it is fun to look at all the different techniques of swirling plus I really, really appreciate the tip about having a thicker trace for the ITP swirls. Made a world of difference for me.
Beautiful work as usual Amy, I love your red and purple together.
Beautiful soap, Amy!
Thanks for these lovely challenges, Amy!
Hi Amy. I hope to get mine done very soon! It was a busy week. Anyway, I was wondering how many mica colors I need for a different challenge. Since I don’t use them, I only want to get what I may need. Thanks for doing this, it’s fun!
This one was really fun 🙂 I can’t wait to try it again!
@Ann – For the mica swirled top, you really only need a tiny bit – like 1/4 tsp. of a metallic colored mica.
This was by far the most design challenge I have ever done. I was working so quickly for fear of the soap setting up on me. Thanks for push Amy!
So I really didn’t think I would like this challenge, but challenge me it did and I loved it! Turned out to be soooooo much fun. The creative juices are flowing for this mica challenge, so we’ll see what happens next. Can’t wait. All the soaps above are so wonderful, I enjoy looking at all the different creations and appreciate everyone’s work of art 🙂
Super fun challenge this week! Can’t wait for the upcoming week =)
HI there Amy
I was sad not to be able to partake in the challenge as I have never done an in the pot swirl before BUT everything conspired against me. 3 days out the office and then a planned power outage that lasted 14 hours. Anyway I will try it sometime. I am looking forward to the next one this week though. It looks like everyone had fun though. Well done
Your soap is beautiful, I love the colours! Thank you for organizing the challenges – so much fun we have and so much beauty we see!
I really didn’t want to post my picture for challenge #2 because they did not turn out the way I wanted them to
Thanks Amy for hosting these soap challenges. This is great fun. I enjoy every aspect of it – reading the blog, watching the video, viewing participant submissions, finding new blogs and making the soap. This Elemental Swirl challenged me. I was concerned about my soap setting up too quickly and end up not blending it enough. The soap looked a little suspect so I tested it with Phenolphthalein – it tested bright pink. Sooooo, I’m off to research rebatching. I’m also planning my mica swirl. Thanks again for hosting these challenges.
Amy, I’m so sorry I did not find the time this week for this challenge …
I’ll do it later promised 😉
Thank you so much Amy for re-oppening for the frenchies 😉
All these soaps are so inspiring, it takes so much time to open every file, but what a result !
Thank you everyone for sharing and giving inspiration…